
  • SM, MM, and PM Sources Available
  • Full Output Powers from 2.5 to 50.0 mW
  • Stable, Low Noise, Constant Power Operation


660 nm, 15.0 mW

Front Panel Display Provides an Enable Button, Laser Power Control, and Display Screen

Related Items

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Single Channel Benchtop Laser Sources Selection Guide
SpectrumWavelengthTECLaser TypeCavity TypeOutput Fiber Type
Visible405 - 675 nmNoSemiconductorFabry PerotSM, MM, or PM
405 - 685 nmYesSemiconductorFabry PerotSM
NIR785 - 1550 nmNoSemiconductorFabry PerotSM or PM
705 - 2000 nmYesSemiconductorFabry PerotSM
1310 - 1550 nmYesSemiconductorDFBSM
1900 - 2000 nmN/AFiber LaserFabry PerotSM
MIR2.7 µmN/AFiber LaserFabry PerotSM
Other Fiber-Coupled Laser Sources


  • 可选波长:
    • SM: 405 - 675 nm
    • MM: 473 nm
    • PM: 635 nm
  • 单模或多模FC/PC光纤接口
  • 可通过旋钮和BNC调制输入调节功率级别
  • 稳定、低噪声、恒定功率工作
  • 通过2.5 mm Mono插孔提供互锁电路




Key Specificationsa
Item #S1FC405S1FC635S1FC637S1FC660S1FC675S1FC473MMS1FC635PM
Fiber TypeSMMMPM
Wavelength405 nm635 nm637 nm660 nm675 nm473 nm635 nm
Full Output Power8.0 mW
2.5 mW
8.0 mW
15.0 mW
2.5 mW
50.0 mW
2.5 mW
Power Stability15 min: ±0.05 dB, 24 hr: ±0.1 dB
(After 1 hr Warm-up at 25 ± 10 °C Ambient)
  • 完整规格请看上面的规格标签。

Click to Enlarge
Single Mode Source Specifications
Item #S1FC405S1FC635S1FC637S1FC660S1FC675
WavelengthMinimum395 nm625 nm630 nm645 nm660 nm
Typical405 nm635 nm637 nm660 nm675 nm
Maximum415 nm640 nm645 nm665 nm680 nm
Minimum Full Output Power8.0 mW2.5 mW8.0 mW15.0 mW2.5 mW
Setpoint Resolution0.01 mW0.01 mW0.01 mW0.01 mW0.01 mW
Laser Class3B3R3B3B3R
Fiber TypeS405-XPSM600SM600SM600SM600
Mode Field Diameterb3.3 µm @ 405 nm3.6 - 5.3 µm3.6 - 5.3 µm3.6 - 5.3 µm3.6 - 5.3 µm
Numerical Aperture0.120.10 - 0.140.10 - 0.140.10 - 0.140.10 - 0.14
Output Fiber ConnectorFC/PC, Wide 2.1 mm Key Compatible
Power Stability15 min: ±0.05 dB, 24 hr: ±0.1 dB
(After 1 hr Warm-Up at 25 ± 10 °C Ambient)
Display Accuracy±10%
Adjustment Range~0 mW to Full Power
Input Power115 VAC / 230 VAC (Switch Selectable) 50 - 60 Hz
Modulation Input0 - 5 V = 0 - Full Power, DC or Sine Wave Input Only
5 kHz Full Depth of Modulation
30 kHz Small Signal Modulation
Operating Temperature15 to 35 °C
Storage Temperature0 to 50 °C
  • 光谱图是典型光谱图,实际光谱会因批次不同而有所不同。更多信息,请联系技术支持techsupport-cn@thorlabs.com
  • 模场直径(MFD)指定为标称值。
Multimode Source Specifications
Item #S1FC473MM
Wavelength473 nm
Max Output Powera50.0 mW
Stability15 min: ±0.05 dB, 24 hr: ±0.1 dB
(After 1 hr Warm-Up at 25 ± 10 °C Ambient)
Display Accuracy±10 %
Setpoint Resolution0.1 mW
Adjustment Range~0 mW to Full Power
AC Input115 / 230 VAC (Switch Selectable) 50 - 60 Hz
Modulation Input0 - 5 V = 0 - Full Power, DC or Sine Wave Input Only
Modulation Bandwidth5 kHz Full Depth of Modulation
30 kHz Small Signal Modulation
Operating Temperature15 to 35 °C
Storage Temperature0 to 50 °C
  • 输出功率范围0 - 50 mW。由于激光二极管间的差异,最大输出功率可能更高。
Polarization-Maintaining Source Specifications
Item #S1FC635PM
Wavelengtha635 nm
Minimum Full Output Power2.5 mW
Stability15 min: ±0.05 dB, 24 hr:±0.1 dB
(After 1 hr Warm-Up at 25 ± 10 °C Ambient)
Display Accuracy±10%
Setpoint Resolution0.01 mW
Adjustment Range~0 mW to Full Power
Minimum Polarization Extinction Ratio15 dB
Operating Temperature15 to 35 °C
Storage Temperature0 to 50 °C
AC Input115 VAC / 230 VAC (Switch Selectable) 50 - 60 Hz
Modulation Input0 - 5 V = 0 - Full Power, DC or Sine Wave Input Only
Modulation Bandwidth5 kHz Full Depth of Modulation
30 kHz Small Signal Modulation
  • 规格表中提供的信息仅供参考。因为每种带尾纤的激光二极管是唯一的,具体数据请查看产品附带的规格表。



BNC Female

0 to 5 V Max, 50 Ω


2.5 mm Mono Jack


2.5 mm Phono Jack




Laser GlassesLaser CurtainsBlackout Materials
Enclosure SystemsLaser Viewing CardsAlignment Tools
Shutter and ControllersLaser Safety Signs


  • 使用Class 3或4激光器时,必须佩戴激光防护眼镜
  • 工作中无论何时使用功率不可忽略的激光,Thorlabs建议佩带激光防护眼镜,因为螺丝刀等金属工具可能意外反射激光。
  • 设计用于特定波长的激光安全眼镜应摆放在激光装置旁边明显的位置上,让佩戴者免受意外反射的激光照射。
  • 安全眼镜上要标注可防护的波长范围以及那个范围内的最小光密度。
  • 激光防护帘激光防护布可以防止实验室其他区域受到高能激光。
  • 遮光材料可以阻挡来自实验装置区域的直射和反射光束。
  • Thorlabs罩壳系统可用于遮盖光学装置,以此隔离或减小激光危害。
  • 带尾纤的激光器在连接或断开其它光纤时必须先关闭,尤其激光功率水平高于10 mW。
  • 所有激光需要终止于平台边缘,激光使用时实验室要关门。
  • 激光光高不能和视线平齐。
  • 光学平台上开展实验,使得所有光束沿水平方向传播。
  • 靠近光路工作时摘掉不必要的反射物件,比如首饰(戒指和手表等等)。
  • 注意透镜和其它光学器件的前后表面都可能反射一部分入射光。
  • 将激光功率设置为能够满足应用的最小值。
  • 如果可能,在光路对准过程中降低输出功率。
  • 使用光快门滤光片减小光束功率。
  • 在激光装置旁边或者房间里贴上正确的警示符号或标签。
  • 在操作Class 3R或4激光器(即要求使用安全连锁的激光器)时,使用灯箱式激光安全标识
  • 激光观测屏不能替代合适的光阱



根据眼睛伤害和其它危害程度,激光器分为不同的几个等级。国际电工委员会(IEC)是制订和发布国际电气、电子及相关技术标准的的全球组织。IEC 60825-1标准文件概括了激光产品的安全问题。每种等级的激光器描述如下:

1这个等级的激光器在任何正常使用的情况下都是安全的,包括在光路中使用光学仪器进行观测。这个等级的激光器发射的激光在正常工作中不会导致伤害,并且不可能超过最大允许的曝光量(MPE)。Class 1激光器也包括一些封闭式高功率激光器,不去打开或关上激光器就不可能暴露在激光中。 Class 1
1M除了和望远镜和显微镜等光学组件一起使用时,Class 1M激光器就是安全的。这个等级的激光器发射大直径或发散光束,除非经过聚焦或成像光学元件缩束,一般不会超过MPE。但是,如果光束重新聚焦,伤害可能增加,等级相应改变。 Class 1M
2Class 2激光限于1 mW以下连续可见光,这类激光器是安全的,因为眨眼反射会使眼部曝光时间限制在0.25 s。这个类别只适用于可见光(400 – 700 nm)。 Class 2
2M因为眨眼反射,这个等级的激光只要不通过光学仪器观察时就是安全的。这个激光等级也适用更大直径或发散激光光束。 Class 2M
3R这个等级的激光只要以有限制的光束观测操作就是安全的。使用这个等级的激光器不可能超出MPE,但是也有低风险伤害。对于这个等级,可见连续激光输出功率被限制在5 mW。 Class 3R
3BClass 3B激光如果眼睛直接曝光会造成危害。但是,漫反射没有危害。这个等级的操作安全措施包括在可能直接观测激光光束时佩戴防护眼镜。此外,需要安全互锁的激光器应和激光安全标识灯箱一起使用,使得安全灯箱不亮时就不能使用激光器。Class 3B激光器必需配备钥匙开关和安全互锁。 Class 3B
4这个等级的激光可能造成皮肤伤害,也可能造成眼睛伤害,甚至是观测漫反射光都可能。这些受伤风险也适用于光束的间接或非镜面反射,甚至明显哑光表面也可能造成伤害。它们也有火灾风险,因为可能点燃易燃材料。Class 4激光器必须配备钥匙开关和安全互锁。 Class 4
除了上面相应的标志,所有的2级(或更高)激光器必须显示这个三角警示标识。 Warning Symbol

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2024-01-23 11:27:40.983)
Which is the maximum output power of the model S1FC405?
ksosnowski  (posted 2024-01-23 11:50:22.0)
Hello, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. Each unit is calibrated to achieve the maximum power for the particular laser diode used in the device. Due to variations in the coupling process, no two units will have the same exact maximum power. For S1FC405, we guarantee at least 8.0 mW on each unit we build. Ensuring that the patch cables used are always cleaned is an important measure to maintaining the output over the life of the laser, as any debris can cause backreflections which may damage the laser inside and cause reduced power. I have reached out directly to discuss this in further detail.
Nazim Bharmal  (posted 2023-07-14 08:04:48.137)
In your manual, there is no information regarding the modulation input connector type. That is only on the webpage (in small font) and via the 'Pin Diagrams' tab (arguably hidden). So I'd suggest modifying the manual to include the specification.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-07-21 11:50:13.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this feedback. Within the manual, under the "Modulating the Laser Output" section (5.5), the first bullet point describes the required electrical connection. Regarding the hidden pin diagrams tab, we include such a tab on all pages which have devices with electrical outputs so that the information is visible and easily accessible without having to find it within a manual (in which it is also included). I have reached out to you directly to clarify this further.
Tatsuo Yamaguchi  (posted 2023-07-05 13:26:23.857)
お世話になっております。 御社のファイバレーザー光源S1FC660を購入したものです。  こちらの光源の光量のツマミを回したときの光量の安定するまでの時間についての仕様などはございますでしょうか?  感覚的な記述で恐縮なのですが、1mW→3mWまで光量を上げると、一度4mW程度まで上がりそのあと3mWまで下がるのに10-20秒程度かかっているという印象です。 よろしくお願いいたします。
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-07-14 04:11:48.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. A tech support agent has contacted your from our local office.
user  (posted 2021-04-23 01:45:27.227)
In my optical system,maybe about 20% laser power will back reflection into laser source.I am worried about back reflection light will damage laser source.Does this laser source include isolator?Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2021-04-23 11:35:06.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, such a high back reflection will damage the source since this doesn't come with an integrated isolator. That being said, a custom fiber based isolator for 635 nm can be ordered using the form on this page (https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=3260) and be used right on the output to reduce the amount of backreflections going into the laser cavity.
user  (posted 2019-05-21 14:13:05.223)
In the product description you state "... All of our fiber-pigtailed lasers utilize an angled fiber ferrule at the internal laser/fiber launch point to minimize reflections back into the laser diode, thereby increasing the stability of the laser diode's output." And yet the specifications call out an FC/PC and not an FC/APC. I am confused. Can you please clarify?
YLohia  (posted 2019-05-21 03:00:34.0)
Hello, thank you for your feedback and bringing this typo to our attention. The specs are correct -- the items on this page (as of 5/2019) are FC/PC and not FC/APC (APC connections can be quoted as custom items by emailing techsupport@thorlabs.com). I am working with our technical marketing team to get this resolved. Please accept our apologies for any confusion caused by this.
Andrey Kuznetsov  (posted 2019-05-01 14:28:16.583)
NOTICE to Customers: I compared 630HP and SM600 fibers when connected to these Fiber sources. These sources have an internal SM600 fiber from the diode to the front bulkhead connector. Thorlabs rightly says to use cables of the same type, however even though 630HP and SM600 share almost exactly the same parameters like NA, etc, based on my tests: 630HP insertion can cause output attenuation up to 95%, while SM600 fiber attenuation was only up to 20%. The issue I had was that when inserting a fiber into the bulkhead, with the key polarizer aligned, rotating and tightening the connector would result in an unpredictable attenuation of light output as measured with a photodiode. We're now switching to SM600 fibers to avoid severe attenuation losses due to fiber coupling issues. Thorlabs should explicitly state this on the Overview page in bold letters that customers must use SM600 fiber to avoid huge attenuation losses due to coupling.
mmcclure  (posted 2019-05-02 10:52:01.0)
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Yes, for our single mode fiber-coupled laser sources, we recommend using a single mode patch cable that is the same fiber type as the fiber-pigtailed laser inside the device. We will make this recommendation more explicit on the webpage.
akuznetsov  (posted 2018-09-27 19:42:45.16)
What is the fiber core size inside these laser bench sources? What core size fiber patch cable should I use to optimize light throughput?
YLohia  (posted 2018-09-28 11:33:03.0)
Hello, the fiber types used are listed in the Specs tab: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=1500&tabname=Specs along with the MFD and NA. In order to maximize coupling efficiency, you should use the same fiber or a multimode fiber with a larger MFD and NA than the one used in the benchtop unit.
akuznetsov  (posted 2018-09-27 17:33:36.43)
We have a S1FC637 and we see that 637*2=1274nm wavelength is also present on the output, is this normal? Shouldn't there be a filter in the unit to prevent the doublet from outputting? We are using the 637nm to excite emission in the NIR so the 1274nm output from the laser is interfering with out results.
YLohia  (posted 2018-10-03 03:02:17.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. This is certainly not normal and not expected of a GaAs-based chip. I took a few scans of the S1FC637 with our OSA207C optical spectrum analyzer and did not find any significant emission around 1274nm (at max output power setting). Based on our correspondence, the issue was being caused by the small fraction of the stimulus light (1274nm) being fed into the spectrometer since the stimulus and collection path were the same.
melanie  (posted 2018-09-04 08:20:38.627)
1.What is the laser threshold power for S1FC635PM ? 2.Would you consider making a PM fibre-coupled green laser ?
nbayconich  (posted 2018-09-25 10:17:46.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We do not specify a threshold power for the S1FC635PM benchtop source however the setpoint resolution is 0.01mW and can be adjusted from 0 - 2.5mW. The threshold current for the diode is about 50mA and the minimum range is set to just below the lasing threshold. The output is mostly off but there will be a very small amount of light still present since a small amount of light is needed for the power control circuit to be active. I will reach out to you directly to discuss our custom capabilities.
melanie  (posted 2017-03-23 13:05:57.74)
I have 2 questions: 1) If connected to one of your PM patchcords, what will be the typical polarisation extinction when the light emerges from the patchcord ? 2) If we turn the laser right down, will it become incoherent ? (this is useful to us) Thanks, Melanie
tfrisch  (posted 2017-03-30 01:17:52.0)
Hello Melanie, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. When used with a PM patch cable, S1FC635PM has an extinction ratio of >20dB. As for the laser power, this unit is not intended for operation below the threshold current of the diode. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
acable  (posted 2008-08-15 10:52:31.0)
Related Products… please think about the related products that are most often used with the product that is being featured. In the case of the fiber coupled laser sources it would probably be: patch cable, collimation package, and perhaps a mirror mount and adapter to hold and aim the collimated light field. I would even think about adding a little text by each price box with a labeled photo of the parts all connected together, with a kit being offered for each of the wavelengths. I would then use the Related Products links (and refer to them in the text) to allow the customer to put together their own parts list (longer cables, different collimation packages, different mounts).
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  • 从405 nm到675 nm的波长范围内有5种波长可选
  • 单模、FC/PC光纤接口
  • 最小全输出功率高至15.0 mW
  • 光纤跳线单独出售
  • 可定制波长;请联系技术支持techsupport-cn@thorlabs.com



注意:将光纤从其它设备连接或断开时,一定要关闭激光器,尤其是功率大于10 mW的应用。

对于需要使用635 nm光源的应用,Thorlabs也提供带USB接口的紧凑型光纤耦合激光光源。对于光遗传学的应用,Thorlabs在下面提供来带多模光纤的473 nm台式激光光源。对于偏振输出,在下面也有带保偏光纤的激光光源可选。对于需要可调谐输出的通信应用,请看我们的台式可调谐通信激光光源。如需定制波长或FC/APC光纤接口的激光光源,请联系技术支持techsupport-cn@thorlabs.com

+1 数量 文档 产品型号 - 公英制通用 单价 现货 / 发货日
S1FC405 Support Documentation
3 weeks
S1FC635 Support Documentation
3 weeks
S1FC637 Support Documentation
3 weeks
S1FC660 Support Documentation
3 weeks
S1FC675 Support Documentation
3 weeks
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  • 输出波长: 473 nm 
  • 多模FC/PC光纤接口
  • 50.0 mW 输出功率
  • 光纤跳线单独出售

S1FC473MM光纤耦合激光光源提供50.0 mW的输出功率和473 nm的波长,使其成为许多光学遗产应用的理想光源。在单个台式装置中包含带尾纤的法布里-珀罗激光二极管和电流控制器。该装置的输出也可以外部调制为5 kHz的全深度/30 kHz的较小信号。FG105UCA多模光纤的输出在FC/PC接头处终止。该装置与我们的多模跳线光学遗传设备外部连线兼容。

前面板上还有一个显示器,显示输出功率(单位是mW)、开/关键,启动按钮和调节激光功率的旋钮。后面板上有一个输入口,允许通过外部电源控制激光二极管驱动电流,还有一个远程互锁输入。关于完整的操作说明,请参考手册,可点击下面的红色文档图标(docs icon)下载。

注意:将光纤从其它设备连接或断开时,一定要关闭激光器,尤其是功率大于10 mW的应用。


+1 数量 文档 产品型号 - 公英制通用 单价 现货 / 发货日
S1FC473MM Support Documentation
S1FC473MMCustomer Inspired! 光纤耦合激光光源,473 nm,50.0 mW,多模光纤,FC/PC
3 weeks
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  • 输出波长: 635 nm
  • 单模保偏FC/PC光纤接口
  • 最小全输出功率高至2.5 mW
  • 光纤跳线单独出售
  • 保偏光纤的慢轴与FC/PC穿板式接头的窄键对齐
  • 可定制波长;请联系技术支持techsupport-cn@thorlabs.com

这些保偏光纤耦合激光光源将带尾纤的法布里-珀罗激光二极管封装在单个台式装置中。带尾纤的激光二极管连接到单模保偏光纤,在装置前面板的FC/PC 穿板式接头处终止。在尾纤连接过程中,光纤对准要积极维护,以使激光二极管的偏光轴与保偏光纤的慢轴对准。此外,保偏光纤的慢轴与台式装置前面板的FC/PC穿板式接头的窄键对准。Thorlabs提供保偏光纤跳线,用于连接前面板上的接口。为了最大程度地减少损耗,我们建议使用光纤类型与尾纤激光器相同的光纤跳线;用于尾纤的具体光纤类型列在规格标签中。此外,为了减少背向反射产生的噪声,建议将FC/PC转FC/APC混合接头光纤跳线与FC/PC端配合使用,连接到激光光源。



+1 数量 文档 产品型号 - 公英制通用 单价 现货 / 发货日
S1FC635PM Support Documentation
3 weeks