Femtosecond Lasers
Thorlabs' femtosecond lasers consists of both free-space and fiber-pigtailed lasers. For free-space applications, we offer the Ytterbia Femtosecond Fiber Laser, Ytterbia Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA), the 1.3 µm to 4.5 µm Supercontinuum Laser, the 1550 nm Femtosecond Fiber Laser, the 2 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser featuring a pigtailed, FC/APC-terminated delivery fiber, and the 3.5 µm to 11 µm Long-Wave IR Supercontinuum Laser.A variety of accessories are available for use with femtosecond laser sources. Our Femtosecond Autocorrelator is recommended for use with Ti:sapphire lasers. The Femtosecond Pulse Compressors are recommended for use with either Ti:sapphire lasers or our Ytterbia Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA), depending on which model. The Fast Modulator for High-Power, Femtosecond Lasers is recommended for use with our Ytterbia-based lasers. The Microscope Slide Peak Power Sensor is recommended for use with Ti:sapphire lasers to measure the relative peak power at the focus of a multiphoton microscope. Two THz antennas use a femtosecond laser input to generate THz radiation. Our supercontinuum generation kit spectrally broadens fs pulses near 800 nm. We also offer optical delay lines, ultrafast optics, a dispersion measurement system, and dispersion-compensating fiber.
Menlo Systems, a strategic partner of Thorlabs, offers several fiber-based femtosecond laser systems. These systems are capable of pulse widths in the tens of femtoseconds with wavelengths in the visible and IR. Menlo Systems' lasers are commonly used for high-speed spectroscopy, optical metrology, and attosecond pulse generation.